Are you a retro game lover? Then you should try this new multiplayer iogame inspired by the classical Pac-Man videogame! Head for Cap-Man and choose the best cap for your player, then you´ll be ready to collect coins through all the rooms and ear...

새로운 게임

Are you a retro game lover? Then you should try this new multiplayer iogame inspired by the classical Pac-Man videogame! Head for Cap-Man and choose the best cap for your player, then you´ll be ready to collect coins through all the rooms and ear...

최고의 게임

Are you a retro game lover? Then you should try this new multiplayer iogame inspired by the classical Pac-Man videogame! Head for Cap-Man and choose the best cap for your player, then you´ll be ready to collect coins through all the rooms and ear...

인기 게임

팩맨 게임

일본의 원래 팩맨 게임이 "Paku Paku"가 일본 팩맨 게임에서 "입을 엎드리는"이래로 "Paku"라고 불렀음을 알고 계셨습니까? 글쎄, 당신은 더 많은 Pacman 게임을 으포 뿌리 쳤을 때 더 많은 팩맨 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다. 우리의 팩맨 게임은 당신에게 땀을 흘리는 손바닥과 성취감이 높아지고 성취감이 높아지고, 얼마나 오래 생존 할 수 있습니까?